Thursday, November 26, 2009


Thanksgiving England Style

When I checked my email yesterday evening, I had a message about a doctor’s appointment. The problem was, it was scheduled for that morning at 11:30. I have called this morning to reschedule and now have an appointment at 2:30 today. Jenny Jones, Shree’s teacher, is going to drive me to the bus stop because I have no clue how to get there. They are amazingly helpful and kind here at the school. We really have been lucky. My Thanksgiving lesson for this afternoon is going to be postponed until tomorrow.

This morning Ms. Bryant had a religion lesson to teach the students. Since this is a public school, I was shocked that they were supposed to cover different religions in their classrooms. Over the course of the school year they will learn about seven different types of religions. Back in American schools, this would be unheard of since we have such a huge debate between church and state. It is amazing that this part of the curriculum in British schools. Today they were learning about different festivals of lights focusing on the Divali in Hinduism. They also made a candle that Christians make at the beginning of Advent.

After lunch, Mrs. Jones dropped Shree and me off at the bus stop to go to Elm Surgery. The building was right next to ASADA. The receptionist had me fill out paper work since I am not from the United Kingdom. We had to wait for nearly an hour before being seen. Once I got to speak with the doctor, he prescribed me the same patches that I had just run out of. The Boots pharmacy was right next door. While we were in Boots, it started hailing outside. The ground was covered. I have never seen anything like it. Shree went over to ASADA to pick up groceries while I waited for the medicine. When I went to ASADA to find her after I was done, I couldn’t. The lady at customer service did an all call for her to come to the front of the store. Ten minutes later we were reunited!!

The trip home was interesting. We got on the wrong bus and only realized it 30 minutes later. By the time we got on the correct bus we still had an hour ride home. Yes I did end up getting sick again on the bus but I had a plastic trash bag with me this time. The patch takes 4 hours to kick in so it hadn’t started working yet unfortunately.

Since today is Liz’s birthday, well all decided to go out to dinner plus it is Thanksgiving. We ended up going to a restaurant called Arribas where they serve Mexican food at the Barbican. We had no clue where it was located so we had to walk at least 2 miles until we found it. We kept laughing because 8 of us Americans were going out to a Mexican restaurant in England on Thanksgiving. Just doesn’t sound right!

The food tasted great and we had fun hanging out together. The chocolate cake for dessert was the best part of the night. We took a bus home. Some of the girls took a taxi but it would have cost a fortune.

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