Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Today has to be the coldest day yet. It was raining again today so I wore my pj’s to school and changed once I got there so I wouldn’t be wet all day. When Shree and I got situated we went to the IT center to work on our lessons. I was finishing up a PowerPoint on America and one about Thanksgiving. I was also looking for a craft for the children to do tomorrow after the presentation.

Mr. Mash, the headmaster, came in this morning to talk to the class about school safety. The school has special tags that are magnetic and they unlock the doors in order for faculty and students to get in. Recently students have been holding the doors open so people can get in which obviously is not safe. Mr. Marsh wanted to make sure they realize how dangerous this could potentially be if they let the wrong person in.

The classroom was pretty crowded this morning. Ms. Bryant, myself, the two teacher assistants, and two tutors were all working with the children today. WOW! That’s a lot of adult in one classroom. It was actually overwhelming.

During break, I was busy preparing a turkey activity for my Thanksgiving lesson tomorrow. I wanted the activity to be as independent for the students as possible so I created templates for them to trace and cut out.

One thing I would like to get a chance to do next week is to observe other classes and teachers in Widey Court Primary. It would be a great experience to see other teaching strategies and other year levels at work.

The entire afternoon was lead by me today. I began by showing the students the PowerPoint about where I am from. The children loved it. I had pictures of the zoo, the Jaguars, American money, our cars, Disney World, and other American things that they would be interested in seeing. After my presentation we created a list of things in England that Americans would like to see pictures of. Then they chose one thing that they wished to draw a picture of for our book about England that I wanted to put together. They worked very hard and the pictures turned out really cute! I can’t wait to take it back to Jacksonville and show my first graders about England.

I had a very hard time managing the volume in the classroom, although Ms. Bryant said I did an amazing job. I think it’s just the fact that I am not used to having 30 students in the class at a time. The volume is always loud even when Ms. Bryant is leading. Also, since the students are encouraged to think out loud, it makes the atmosphere something that they call “organized chaos” if there is such a thing.

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