Tuesday, November 24, 2009


    We made it to school dry today! I went into the IT center to work on a PowerPoint of America that I am teaching the class on Wednesday.     At 9 I came back to the classroom to work with the IEP students on phonics.  They have a very hard time sitting still and following directions.  This makes instruction very hard.

    At 10 we all went outside for a football match.  Four of our students were chosen to play.  It was absolutely adorable watching them play.  Since it was wet outside, they played on the pavement.  Here are some pictures:


   One of my students, Charlotte, has been constantly clearing her throat.  Ms. Byrant says that it is a recent thing.  Everytime she does it, I make a point of drawing her attention to it.  She says that she has tried to stop but she can’t.  Ms. Byrant wants to call her parents but I told her that I would work with Charlotte first to stop the behavior.   I told Charlotte that I am going to bring in a bag of chocolates for her.  Everytime she does it, I am going to take one away.  She will get what is left at the end of the day.  This will make her more conscience of what she is doing.

     In numeracy the children were learning multiplication.  This is fascinating to me because they are only 6 years old.   They are much more advanced in England.  Each year they are introduced all topics and they continue to build on each throughout their schooling. 

     When working with a small group during independent work time, I filled out a progress monitoring sheet on the students I was working with.  There were three levels of achievement for the objective: Achieved and is able to apply, achieved and needs further consolidation, and needs support.  There is also a place to leave comments and things we have noticed. 

    During assembly this afternoon, Mr. Marsh, the headmaster, introduced me to the whole Year 1 and 2.   He called me up to the front and asked me to describe three things that I have noticed that are different from here and America.    Then he had me present the awards for the month.  I was slightly nervous because I had no idea I was going to be called up there.     

     Again today we are having singing practice.  There has been very little educational time as usual in the classroom.  Yet these students are incredibly smart.      

     Tonight, Shree and I are going to dinner with our directing teachers at Mrs. Jones’ house!  Ms. Byrant is picking us up from Marjon and driving us there!   Miss you all!


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