Monday, November 9, 2009

To my Marvelous 1st Graders

I want you all to know how much I am going to miss each and every one of you. You have all made my interning experience amazing. Please continue to use those smart choices and your brilliant brains to make me proud! Jacey and I will be back to visit as soon as we get back from England. Until then keep checking the blog to see what cool things we are doing! I will try to update it a few times each week and feel free to leave me comments on here and I will write you back!

clip_image001Love ,

Ms. Tsengas


Jean McKendrick said...

Kai will miss you! He was bummed your last day was the day we went to Animal Kingdom. Thanks for all your hard work! We took him camping last weekend and his first words when he found out were, "but I don't have Jacey, Jaden does". I guess in his mind he thought he would be taking Jacey camping, it was cute.

Miss Tsengas said...

We def. missed Kia! Wish he could have been there! He was about to cry on Monday when we were saying goodbye :( I'm going to miss them all!! It has been such an awesome year in Mrs. Maxwell's class.
And Mrs. McKendrick, thank you for everything you have down throughout the year :)
And when I get back you can let Kia know, he will be the first to get Jacey!

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!