Friday, October 23, 2009

My Rock Stars!

What an awesome week it has been!

We have some wonderful writers in our class! Everyone has been working on dialogue, onomatopeia, and using descriptive words in Writers Worshop. Ask your child about one of these new stragies and talk about what they wrote in their journals this week!

In Readers Workshop we have been working on story structure. When reading with your child this weekend talk about who the characters are, what the setting is, and what the problem and solution are. It is great to work on these strategies not only in the classroom but also at home!

Happy Birthday again to Shanovya and Kenyce! Thank you to Kenyce and her parents for bringing in our Fun Friday treats!

Also, thank you to everyone that came out to the Brusters Fundraiser! I loved getting to see all of you (and so did Jacey)! Our class had the biggest turn out! Which means we won an ice cream party!!!

I hope you all have a great weekend and don't forget that there is NO SCHOOL on Monday so you all get to sleep in :)

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