Monday, October 26, 2009

Weekly Newsletter

Weekly Newsletter October 26th- 30th

newsletter 7.doc

Friday, October 23, 2009

Donation List for Character Costume Celebration

Sugar Cookies (18 students)
1. ______________________

Jars of vanilla Frosting
1. ______________________

2. ______________________

Candies and sprinkles for cookie decorating
1. ______________________

2. ______________________

Wiggly eyes( Medium Size)
1. ______________________

Small pumpkins (as many as possible)
1. ______________________

2. ______________________

3. ______________________

4. ______________________

One large pumpkin
1. ______________________

Bottle of Fruit Punch (18 students)
1. ______________________

****Please Send in a Note or Email Mrs. Maxwell or Ms. Tsengas to let us know what you will be bringing! Thank you!

My Rock Stars!

What an awesome week it has been!

We have some wonderful writers in our class! Everyone has been working on dialogue, onomatopeia, and using descriptive words in Writers Worshop. Ask your child about one of these new stragies and talk about what they wrote in their journals this week!

In Readers Workshop we have been working on story structure. When reading with your child this weekend talk about who the characters are, what the setting is, and what the problem and solution are. It is great to work on these strategies not only in the classroom but also at home!

Happy Birthday again to Shanovya and Kenyce! Thank you to Kenyce and her parents for bringing in our Fun Friday treats!

Also, thank you to everyone that came out to the Brusters Fundraiser! I loved getting to see all of you (and so did Jacey)! Our class had the biggest turn out! Which means we won an ice cream party!!!

I hope you all have a great weekend and don't forget that there is NO SCHOOL on Monday so you all get to sleep in :)

Monday, October 19, 2009


Monday and Tuesday of this week, we will be working on using sound words in our writing. Today we read the book Alligator Baby by Robert Munsch to get an understanding of what onomatopoeia is. Here are a few examples of some of our friends' narrative stories where they used sound words. You will have to click on the actual picture to be able to make it bigger so that it can be read.

Newsletter week of October 19th

Class Newsletter week of October 19th


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Ms. Tsengas' Literacy Ideas

Literacy Activities you can do at Home to help me:

· We can start the day by reading the newspaper! Point out interesting pictures and we can read the captions together!

· Let’s visit the library! We can pick out books and I can show you how I can read!

· Pull out those recipes!! We can cook and figure out what the ingredients are together!

· Have me help write a grocery list. We can even carefully cut out coupons in the newspaper.

· The ABC Game is so much fun. We can take turns going through the alphabet and name things that we see that start with each letter of the ABCs.

· I can draw pictures and add sentences to them. Let me show you!

· Can you please buy me Alpha-Bits Cereal? I can practice sounding out and forming words using them! I promise this will be the only time I will play with my food!

· We can read books and do our own fun activities using ideas that we create: make green eggs and ham like Sam I Am or a newspaper hat like Curious George!

· Rereading some of my favorite books would be so awesome!

· Tell me stories! You can make them up or tell me stories about when you were a kid.

· Just talking to me expands my vocabulary, develops background knowledge about topics, and inspires me to have a curiosity about the world – all of which will help me learn to read!

· And last, don’t forget to read with me every night and have book discussions!!!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Newsletter for the week of October 12th

Monday, October 5, 2009

Exciting News from Room 104!

What great news!!! She is due in April on Easter Sunday! For now the plan is for Ms. Tsengas to take over after the baby arrives so you will all be in great hands!

Congratulations Mrs. Maxwell, we are so excted for you!

Class Newsletter week of October 5th

**Please remember that this week is the final deadline for ordering our class field trip shirt! Parents, if anyone would like to pitch in an extra $5.10 for students that did not order a shirt or for extra students later in the year, it would be greatly appreciated! Please let me know if you would like to help with this!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Math- Towers of Ten


We all shop for groceries, sometimes two or three times a week –- or more. Now turn those shopping trip into easy cash for your school, and encourage friends to do the same! Just look for the Box Tops logo on hundreds of products like Cheerios®, Hamburger Helper® and Kleenex®, in almost every aisle of the store. All you need to do is clip and send them to our classroom —- each one is worth 10¢ for our school.

*****If our classroom can collect 200 box tops by December Ms. Tsengas will provide an extra special treat :)******

Sign up for Boxtops4Educationclick this link to register with our class

Friday, October 2, 2009

Officer Friendly

Officer Friendly came to visit our class and Mrs. Arbon's class this morning! It was really awesome! He was wearing his uniform and showed us all of the stuff on his belt like his handcuffs, gun, and taser. Then he let us ask questions about police officers and safety!

After Officer Friendly talked to us in the classroom, we got to go outside and look in his police car! He even turned the lights and the siren on for us! It was so cool!

Thanks again Officer Friendly for stopping by and talking about your important job!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Unexpected Visitor

Yesterday we had an unexpected visitor in our classroom. Since it was such a beautiful day outside, we had the windows open for most of the morning. Well, a bird decided he wanted to come learn with us! He flew right into the classroom!!! The poor thing was very confused! He hung out for about an hour before he decided to leave. It was quit an exciting event :)