Monday, August 30, 2010

Dear Parents & Families,

Let me begin by saying Welcome an how very excited I am to start off the 2010-2011 school year! I am just thrilled to begin watching your child learn and grow this year in 2nd grade! The start of any new school year brings many changes and adjustments which can be a bit overwhelming. Please review the information below in order to better understand our classroom routines. I look forward to working with your family throughout the year and welcome your child to second grade!!!

Each day your child will bring home his/her planner. Please be sure to check this daily as important forms/assignments will be sent home in here. You will also see your child’s daily behavior update. Make sure to sign the planner every night.

The quality of your child’s education depends on our communication! I encourage you to contact me as soon as a question or concern arises! Here is how to contact me:

Write a note: Planners are checked every morning, first thing. You can place a note in it or write in it. I will get back to
you that same day, unless I am absent.

Email me: By far the best way to contact me! Email is checked throughout the school day. My email address is

Leave a message: The main office will not connect you directly to the classroom during the school day, so you will have
to leave a message on my voicemail. I will not have time to check this during the day so if what you are calling about is
important please leave the message with the front office and they will pass it along.

Class Website: Check out our class website at I update it often so visit regularly. I love your comments and feedback!

Every Monday, a homework folder will be send home with your child. The activities are not due back until Friday. Look inside the homework folder this week for a note explaining the assignments.
Snack Time
I allow students a snack mid-morning to hold them over until lunch. Students are allowed to bring in a healthy snack (example: crackers, fruit, veggies, etc.) Thank you for helping support healthy eating habits!

Behavior and Incentives
At Chaffee Trail we have a school-wide discipline plan. Each day students start on green and have the opportunity to move their clips up and down throughout the day to different colors based on their behavior. The list of daily behaviors and colors are located on the first page of each child’s planner. At the end of the day, students record their color. It is extremely important to sign the planner EACH day! Students who do not get below green at all during a months time will be rewarded LUNCH BUNCH. Lunch Bunch is the last day of each month. The student get to eat lunch in the classroom with their teacher!

Thank you to everyone that has purchased and sent in supplies. These items will provide the students with most things they need. However, there are a few additional items that are on our class wish list. If your are able to help supply these items in our classroom, it would be greatly appreciated.
-Composition Notebooks - Bean Bag Chairs
-Hand Sanitizer - Post-it-notes
-Old books/ board games -Dry-Erase Markers

Again, thank you so much for your help in preparation for the beginning of this school year! It is a busy and exciting time and I look forward to the year ahead!